Sunday, April 02, 2006

Vote for Rosie

our girl appears in this month's Calvin & Hobbes Pet of the Month Photo Contest so show her your support!

she is for world peace and if she wins she promises to do her best as the ambassador of goodwill to the world, be a role model for young cats all over the world, fight cancer, AIDS, as well as help all the poor children in Africa.


auntie p said...

Wow Rosie, you up there with some tough competition, but I've voted for you. ;)

You go gal, and do us proud as goodwill ambassador, aids fighter and all that jazz! Hip hip hurray for Rosie!

Anonymous said...

I voted for Rosie! She is the prettiest by far.

Anonymous said...

and Rosie the model peacekeeper too :D vote Rosie as our next UN representative!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Rosie sure looked great in the bathing suit part of the competition. She was quite articulate too during the interviews!

I am sure she will be a great ambassador of goodwill to all the cats (or pets) in the world. Fighting AIDS is a noble cause.

I just hope that she did not pose nude for anything prior to this competition. We don't want her to be striped of her title of anything.

san said...

Wow. When it comes to the talent quest she would win hands on. Her pose tells all. Here's to Rosie, our next UN Rep. The other contestants are nowhere near you Rosie!

Cairo The Boxer said...

I voted for you! You are very cute!

bluemistz said...

Woohoo... go girl! Rosie, you rock! hahahah...

animalfamily said...

Rosie says she is so touched by all your love and support. she is indisposed right now under a cucumber face mask but extends a beauty queen wave to all her adoring fans.

as for posing nude before, em... she declines comment.

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Beauty queen wave. heh. :)

Voted for her too... I'll only vote for the kitties, but Rosie was by far the cutest.


Tommy and Teaghan said...

We voted for Rosie! Good lucks in the contest. We am sure you will be a good ambassador kitty and stand up for kitty rights all over the world!
Beau Beau & Angie


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