remember the kitty flushed out by a storm? the crazy man and woman almost kept it because it had the uncanny knack of throwing them a head-in-tail curl, a belly-up, a hang-in-the-air-for-a-second hop and a carry-me-whichever-way-you-like flop when they are at their most vulnerable... they even named it - Monk... and then someone adopted it! muahahahaha, so long sucka.
you got to laugh. because when you stop...
Poppet the carpark cat went the way of toothless calico. the vet made her as comfortable as she could be, and she went. the feeder doesn't know how to carry on when her love and her labours isn't enough against the brutalities of life on the street, but she will. the woman doesn't know how she can give help and hope again when there is the chance she has to make a cat auntie cry, but she will.